The appearance of the spheres and E = (Mc)c
• UFOs seen by Didier Jégaden
My plane just before arriving in Detroit, in the state of Michigan (USA) ... 6:15 p.m. Friday, June 27, 2014:
• UFOs shapes spheres were not very large, I would say one good meter of diameter about everyone, because they were very close to the plane, 25 meters from the wing of the aircraft (when I remember proportions with the plane) and they had the motionless air; the first thing I said to myself, "if they had hit the plane, it would have been a disaster because they seem made of metal"
• What I also noticed is that there are nuclear power plants to 10 miles away and in books I read about UFOs, the authors write that "the maximum of UFOs, that were observed, were close to the nuclear power plants and especially where nuclear power is handled; Extraterrestrials worry about it! "
• The appearance of the two areas that I saw were bright green color and follow another sphere of the same size color chrome ... The space between the two was three meters.
• There are just two years I won at auction a sphere (see my paper below) copper (from what I know is the preferred metal of the Extraterrestrials) found on the west coast to 1977. I think it is close to the size of the two spheres that I have seen.
• I'm pretty sure the size as there was the sun's reflection on just when the plane was beginning to descend gently for 5 to 10 minutes, passed them and it was a small reflection ...
• It was probably not a manned flight because too small gear.
• The height of the spheres were several km s and invisible from the ground and probably radars.
• The first mystery is how these perfect spheres could fly, so high being so small, no known technology is capable of this prodige...
I saw them for 2 to 3 seconds ... I have not had time to snap my camera or take a picture ...
• This is the first time I see something like this.
I've looked, too, is to see if the two UFOs were hung by a visible link to one another, the answer is absolutely negative ...
The copper sphere, below is a perfect sphere, was also a possible origin of Sphere Alien dating from the Cold War or before, which was damaged by a potential plane ... There had to be many at this time .. .
We can see one very significant impact on the copper sphere ( I won it at an auction ); see Photo 2; it is very deep and if it was only the waves with rocks, there would have been more impacts and necessarily shallower given the quality of the sphere ...
Auction text:
I found this mystery ball at a storage sale recently. The lady who sold it to me said that she got it from a gentleman who brought it down from Alaska back in 1977. The story is that he found it on the seashore one day while on a stroll. It is heavy sealed copper with some pattern in it (see photos), nine inches in diameter and weighs about 2 kg. It is not just a thin shell but heavy and substantial to hold in your hands. It has a few dings and scratches and an antique patina which I'm sure is very old. Some guesses are that it was released by ancient mariners at sea in the north to track ocean currents, that it is an unusual Japanese fishing float, etc. It is a real mystery. Could be used as a garden globe, a lightning rod ball, or as a piece of art or an element in a piece of art. It is really cool and nobody I've shown it to knows what it is.
• Copper Mystery Sphere Ball 9", 4.5 pounds. Antique Float? Nautical ? Weathervane?
• Found in USA on a beach side west from Indian Pacific North Ocean:
Photo 2:
La sphère de cuivre flotte vraiment bien, ce qui explique qu'elle se soit retrouvée sur la côte...
Si elle était utilisée pour flotteur pour la pêche, il devrait y avoir des traces ou une poignée comme la photo ci-dessous... Ce serait nettement plus pratique!...
Pour le verre, c'est difficile de faire une poignée mais on a de bonnes chances de retrouver le filet autour!?...
Copper Sphere in water found in Alaska, 1977...
Example of ufo fake:
First Money ~ 350 AC
A wolf suckling twins
Two Roman coins with a helmeted soldier
Often can be seen in old engravings and paintings depicting scenes of the time, things from heaven without really explaining their origin.
Gilli Schechter and Hannan Sabat, two UFO research specialists have received a photo of a painting from a monastery in the city Sighisoara, Romania is the birthplace of Vlad the Ripper, you know the one that inspired the famous Count Dracula.
According to the monastery's website, it was built in the 14th century, before being destroyed and rebuilt in the 17th century. They do not know who carried out this work and when? However, they emphasize that the legend inserted in the painting probably dates beyond 1523 when the Bible was translated into German.Everything comes from space is alien Jeton des Eclipses 1556/ Soleil et Lune
All Press Releases for January 28, 2005
Centuries’ Old UFO Coin Remains Mystery:
An unidentified flying object on a 17th century French coin continues to mystify rare coin experts.
Colorado Springs, CO (PRWEB) January 28, 2005 — After decades of seeking possible answers about a mysterious UFO-like design on a 17th century French copper coin, a prominent numismatic expert says it remains just that: an unidentified flying object. After a half-century of research, the design has defied positive identification by the numismatic community.
“It was made in the 1680s in France and the design on one side certainly looks like it could be a flying saucer in the clouds over the countryside,” said Kenneth E. Bressett of Colorado Springs, Colorado, a former President of the 32,000-member American Numismatic Association and owner of the curious coin.
Below is a press release that’s been circulated online.
“Is it supposed to be a UFO of some sort, or a symbolic representation of the Biblical Ezekiel’s wheel? After 50 years of searching, I’ve heard of only one other example of it, and nothing to explain the unusual design.”
Bressett said the mysterious piece is not really a coin, but a “jeton,” a coin-like educational tool that was commonly used to help people count money, or sometimes used as a money substitute for playing games. It is about the size of a U.S. quarter-dollar and similar to thousands of other jetons with different religious and educational designs that were produced and used in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries.
“The design on this particular piece could be interpreted as showing either a UFO or Ezekiel’s wheel, but little else. Some people think the Old Testament reference to Ezekiel’s wheel may actually be a description of a long-ago UFO,” he explained.
“The legend written in Latin around the rim is also mystifying. ‘OPPORTUNUS ADEST’ translates as ‘It is here at an opportune time.’ Is the object in the sky symbolic of needed rainfall, or a Biblical reference or visitors from beyond? We probably will never know for certain,” said Bressett.
Le jeton est une sorte de monnaie ou de méreau aux fonctions multiples. Il fut utilisé depuis l'Antiquité, d'abord comme jeton de compte, puis ses utilisations se diversifient. Proche du méreau dans sa forme et son usage au Moyen Âge, comme monnaie de nécessité ou jeton de présence, le jeton a ensuite connu son apogée au XIXe siècle...
Face A et A
Mystérieuse scène avec un bouclier céleste au revers. Celui-ci est présenté sur "certains sites web américains" comme étant une représentation d’une soucoupe volante “flying saucer”.
Si l’on considère que l’axe de ce jeton est à douze heures, le bouclier est en effet dans le ciel et les flèches montent du sol, contredisant la description qui voudrait que les flèches tombent du ciel.Le Duc d’Enghien, devenu prince de Condé par le décès de son père le remplace dans son gouvernement de Bourgogne. Il demande de nouveaux moyens pour faire la guerre, ce que les États ne peuvent lui refuser en raison de sa gloire. On peut noter que les fleurs de lis ont disparu des armes et qu’il ne subsiste que le vieux blason provincial…(Jeton cuivre)+++(copper token)------(/le jeton de laiton)+++( /brass token )
Face B et B
Quant à la scène de la pièce (le jeton royal), il est vraisemblable qu'elle décrit comme pour les ANCILES, le bouclier sacré envoyé du ciel pour le roi Numa par Jupiter. Vous pouvez lire ce qui suit à partir des Vies de Plutarque, premier volume :
Dans la huitième année du règne de Numa une épidémie fait rage dans toute l'Italie, et afflige la ville de Rome. Maintenant, au milieu de la détresse générale il est dit qu' un bouclier d'airain est tombé du ciel dans les mains de Numa. Sur ce, le roi a fait un discours inspiré, qu'il avait appris d'Egeria et des Muses. Le bouclier, dit-il, est venu pour le salut de la ville, et ils doivent le garder, et faire onze autres comme lui, de sorte que le voleur ne pourrait voler celui qui est tombé du ciel, parce qu'il ne pouvait pas dire où il était. En outre, la place et le prés autour d'elle, où il avait l'habitude de converser avec les Muses, doivent être consacrés à eux, et le puits par lequel il a été arrosée doit être connu, de l'eau bénite aux vestales, en prendre un peu quotidiennement pour purifier et saupoudrer leur temple. La vérité de ce qui est dit est prouvé par la cessation immédiate de la peste. Il ordonna que les ouvriers participent à imiter et faire un autre bouclier, et, quand tous les autres ont refusé de le faire, Veturius Mamurius, l'un des meilleurs ouvriers de l'époque, en a produit un de si admirable imitation, puis en fait d'autres boucliers si exactement semblables, que même Numa lui-même ne pouvait pas dire quel était l'original. Il a ensuite nommé les Saliens de le garder et de les garder.
Il était en effet OPPORTVNVS ADEST ou "ici à un moment opportun" comme le bouclier qui a sauvé la ville de la peste...
Blason Renaissance+++++++++++++++++Pluie sur du Lys
Le bouclier (sur le jeton royal) est pour le changement, qu'il soit une copie ou non, et, les flèches apparaissent là pour vaincre les ennemis de guerre, au fur et à mesure... (Jeton royal 1654)
A cette époque un grand éventail de jetons royaux divers sont fabriqués (pour les nouvelles levées de fond) comme avait prescrit le roi Numa; avec la copie du bouclier et l'eau bénite pour purifier...
Bouclier qui tombe des nues ou OVNI...
Jeton Royal/Cuivre